Bad Driving Habits That Could Ruin Your Chance at Love

Bad Driving Habits That Could Ruin Your Chance at Love
| By: Christian Brothers Automotive

In a recent study commissioned by Christian Brothers Automotive, some interesting connections were found between the success of your dating life and your driving habits. Conducted by OnePoll, it was found that 56 percent of the 2,000 American drivers surveyed said that they would not date an unsafe driver. While other studies have shown that bad driving can indeed split up a couple, it’s pretty obvious that reckless driving can pump the brakes on finding your dream partner.

While we’re not a dating service, we know our way around a car. Not to mention, we’ve been around quite a large number of drivers. In this blog, we’ll highlight some of the most important things to avoid when your date is in your vehicle, as well as some simple tips, tricks, and small steps to correct bad driving habits. With 78 percent of drivers stating that how a person drives says a lot about their personality, there are a few things you should do while driving if you’re hoping to make a good impression.

10 Negative Driving Habits That Could Ruin Your Chance at Love

10. Singing While Driving: 18 Percent

Since the widespread addition of the radio to vehicles in 1930, singing in the car has been a beloved tradition. While, for many of us, it is an absolute blast to scream the lyrics of whatever Neil Diamond song is on the playlist, it may be best to leave this tradition to when you’re driving alone or with your friends, not with your date.

While some benefits come with this habit, some people simply do not enjoy it – nor do they partake in it. Of course, the only thing you can do to avoid an awkward situation is to simply restrain your inner rockstar and instead opt for having a conversation with your date. You can even ask them what their favorite Neil Diamond song is.

9. Unnecessary High Beam Use: 25 Percent

Often referred to as “brights,” high beams are designed to give your lights an extra boost. Useful during nighttime on long stretches of highways, they should never be used when other vehicles are around or you’re in an urban setting. If you find yourself using your vehicle’s high beams, be sure to switch to low beams whenever there is oncoming traffic or you are approaching another vehicle from the behind.

While sometimes a simple mistake, it’s important to double-check that your high beams are off when you are using your beams in general. I’m sure we’ve all been there: we accidentally flicked the high beams and don’t notice until another car flashes us theirs. This is another reason why it’s important to fully understand how to operate any vehicle you’re driving, as light technology varies between different makes and models.

8. Talking Constantly While Driving: 29 Percent

Of course, this point has more to do about dating than it does driving. Talking while driving can be dangerous. In moments like these, and generally, when it comes to dating, remember to let your partner speak more about themselves. This allows you to learn about your partner, all while staying safe and alert on the road!

7. One Hand on The Wheel: 29 Percent

While you will never get arrested for only driving with one hand, it has been proven to be safer to use both hands at all times while operating a vehicle. While keeping your hands at “10 and 2” like your steering wheel is a clock has been a popular teaching method, the correct hand placement has actually changed over the years. YES, this includes both hands.

After the “10 and 2 driving” technique has been shown to be more dangerous to those with smaller steering wheels and airbags, the NHTSA recommends a “9 and 3” position. Compare to a real clock and this gives you the best control of your vehicle while operating.

6. Not Using the Car’s Turn Signal When Turning: 38 Percent

Ahhh, the turn signal. Many drivers tend to rage over this simple action that some drivers simply do not do. Of course, not using the turn signal puts yourself, your date, and other drivers around you in danger. Without a doubt, always remember to use your turn signal whenever you’re on the road – not just when you’re on a date!

5. Excessive Horn Honking: 38 Percent

Unfortunately, as much as some of us would like it to be, our horn is not an “I’m upset” button. Using your horn in fits of road rage does not help anything, especially the impression your date has of you. Car horns should be used only to alert other drivers of potential hazards to you and the road.

4. Yelling at Other Drivers: 43 Percent

If horns cause bad impressions, imagine what yelling at other drivers could do? Of course, we would hope that none of our readers participate in yelling matches on the highway, but – to each their own. It is always best to control your road rage, even if someone cuts you off. It’s important to pay attention to the road and let them go, it’s usually never worth the trouble to pursue the issue further.

3. Leaving Inadequate Following Distance on The Highway: 44 Percent

As passengers in another person’s car, we like to feel safe – especially when it comes to being in the car with our significant other or date. Something taught by driver safety instructors all over the nation, is the amount of space you should give between your car and the car ahead of you. A safe following distance is key to the safety of you and everyone else on the road.

On general streets, it is best to always leave at least 2 – 4 seconds of travel time between your car and the person in front of you. This helps give you more than enough stopping time in the case of an abrupt or urgent stop ahead of you. Whether you’re stopping because of an obstruction on the road or a major accident, giving yourself enough time and space to come to a stop ensures you, your passengers, and your fellow drivers are safe.

When on the highway, it’s crucial to increase your following time as speeds are higher and the chance of abrupt stops increase. At the speed of 55 MPH, it’s recommended that you provide around 245 feet between you and the car ahead. This is the equivalent of about 16 cars.

2. Cutting Off Other Cars in Traffic: 54 Percent

Remember how we mentioned that your partner sees your driving as a direct reflection of your personality? In this case, cutting someone off while in traffic might be one of the worst ways to make a good impression – especially while on a date.

Cutting someone off, albeit in traffic, city street, or another low traffic stretch, is not only extremely rude but very dangerous. This should be avoided at all costs, as it leads to potential road rage or unsafe driving conditions.

1. Excessive Speeding: 61 Percent

While we all want to live in the Fast & Furious universe, speed limits exist for a reason. Not only are they designed to reduce the probability and severity of crashes on the road, but reduced speed areas also help protect pedestrians while on local residential streets.

One of the easiest ways to curb your speeding habits is by keeping an eagle eye on your speedometer. This is an important habit to have while driving to ensure that your car is kept under the speed limit, all while protecting yourself and staying away from traffic citations.

Additionally, using cruise control is another great way to prevent speeding. This feature allows you to set exactly how fast you’re looking to go. Once you set the ideal (and legal) speed, you can safely remove your foot from the gas pedal, so you don’t even get the chance to speed.

Lastly, it’s important to give yourself plenty of time to go where you need to go. Most people end up speeding when they are running late. Give yourself plenty of time, so you don’t have to rush.In fact, nothing is a better date idea than taking a slow, nice ride with the one you love, or like, or are getting to know. We don’t have to put any labels on it.

You can find the full breakdown of the study by going to New York Post’s article, or by checking out BestLife’s breakdown here.

The Christian Brothers Automotive Difference

While we can’t offer dating services, we can offer services to keep your car in the best condition for you and your partner. From ensuring your car is working efficiently to protecting your safety on the road, our services are designed to keep your car healthy and you happy with the services we provide. From our courtesy vehicle inspections to our 3-Year/36,000 mile warranty, we’re here to help you get your vehicle in tip top shape. We can complete virtually any auto service on any make or model you have.

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