4 Auto Repair Secrets From Your Car’s Cooling System
Your cooling system has a big responsibility.
Not only does it keep the engine from overheating, but it also maintains the temperatures under the hood and keeps the fluids from freezing in the winter.
Since the cooling system is such an essential part of your car’s function, shouldn’t you know how to keep it well maintained?
Unfortunately, most Georgetown drivers are lost when it comes to cooling system maintenance.
To shed some light on this complex system, the ASE-certified technicians at Christian Brothers Automotive Georgetown have found the 4 parts of your cooling system requiring extra attention. By keeping up with cooling system maintenance, you can avoid complete engine failure.
What parts make up the cooling system?
Your cooling system is made up of multiple parts, including:
- The water pump
- Anti-freeze (or coolant)
- Upper radiator hose
- Radiator
- Lower radiator hose
- Several pipes and fans
The following 4 parts of the cooling system require special attention.
1. Belts
The water pump runs with the help of an accessory belt. If the belt wears out, it won’t operate the pump. By keeping a close eye on this belt, our professionals make sure your cooling system is working at full capacity.
2. Hoses and Pipes
The cooling system’s hoses are made of a firm, yet flexible rubber. Over time, the hoses can become too soft or extremely hard. If the hoses are soft, they can easily collapse inwards when the water pump circulates water. However, if they are hard, they will cause the pipes to crack and burst. It’s essential to check the hoses and pipes with every oil change.
3. Engine Outlets
The engine outlet where the hoses are attached is another area to watch closely. These outlets are constantly exposed to water, which can quickly cause corrosion. If the corrosion is too extensive, the outlet can break off, requiring costly repairs.
4. Fluid
Finally, our ASE-certified technicians always check the level and quality of the coolant. If the fluid is low, there may be a leak, which could again lead to corrosion and harmful chemicals being released into the environment. If the coolant is poor quality, it will rust the metal components it flows through and could become acidic.
See the Nice Difference in cooling system service
At Christian Brothers Automotive Georgetown, we look at the whole system in its entirety. Rather than simply draining half the fluid from the radiator and refilling the system, we make sure the entire system is working together as efficiently as possible.
If it’s time for a cooling system inspection, call Christian Brothers Automotive in Georgetown, Texas today!