Auto Repair Estimate in Schertz, TX

Auto Repair Estimate in Schertz, TX

| By: Christian Brothers Automotive

Our location in Schertz is equipped with manufacturer diagnostic and repair tools. This allows us to be able to bypass time-consuming steps, such as having to take your automobile to any other shops. Because we can do everything in house, we are able to get you an auto repair estimate relatively quickly.

We’ll Never Offer You A Part Your Vehicle Doesn’t Require
Christian Brothers Automotive never sells products to customers that they do not need and we always make sure to get the customers permission before performing any sort of auto repair.

We’re Honest
At Christian Brothers Automotive, we employ ASE-certified professionals. These professionals are experts at sustaining, analyzing and mending automobiles. We will not ever try to add additional charges for unnecessary auto services. Our auto repair estimates are straightforward and comprehensible. You don’t have to worry about us trying to confuse you.

Christian Brothers Automotive is an honest auto repair shop. You can depend on us to do a quality job at an affordable rate. Do you need auto service on your vehicle? Call us, or stop by your local Christian Brothers Automotive near Universal City, located at:

205 FM 3009
Schertz, TX 78154

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  • "Quick service"

    "Customer service very friendly and I was in and out in no time when I went to get my car inspected. ❤️❤️❤️"


  • "Exceeded my expectations"

    "They exceeded the factory recommendations for my vehicle at its 60k service. I was more than pleased to leave my truck in their care because I knew they would do me right. Thanks!"


  • "Great, honest Service"

    "This is my first time using Christian Brothers, I glad I did get them a try, Great, Knowledgeable, honest service👍"
