Diesel Engines in Round Rock
Diesel engines are largely known as the force behind monstrous trucks and tractors. They are also used in various European vehicles, such as BMWs and Volkswagens. Why was the diesel engine created? Rudolf Diesel, a German inventor, explored the topic of combustible engines after he researched the problems with gasoline engines. Gasoline engines, as initially conceived, were horribly inefficient. They only used 10 percent of heat created. The rest of the heat escaped. Rudolf Diesel saw an opportunity to make a better, more efficient engine.
The Mechanics Behind Diesel Engines
There isn't much of a difference between gasoline and diesel engines. Both are types of internal combustion engines designed to change chemical energy into mechanical energy. This energy moves pistons contained in cylinders. This motion rotates the crankshaft which starts the wheels of the vehicle to move.
Small explosions power both diesel and gasoline engines. There is a difference, however, in how those explosions occur. Gasoline engines mix fuel with air that is then compressed by pistons and ignited by sparks. Diesel engines switch up the order of events. In a diesel engine, air is compressed first and then the fuel is injected. Diesel engines don't have spark plugs because air heats up when it's compressed.
Diesel Engines Today
In the United States, diesels are mostly found in heavier vehicles. Europe boasts many models of commuter vehicles that are powered by diesel. As people in North America become more concerned with oil prices, diesel is looking more attractive.
Christian Brothers of Round Rock
If you own a diesel engine in Round Rock, take it into Christian Brothers for tune-ups, repairs, and maintenance. We have been thoroughly trained to repair diesel engines.