3 Essential Automotive Terms Every Driver in Grand Rapids Needs to Understand
When you’re in the know, your car is more likely to receive the right repair the first time. No matter which Grand Rapids auto repair shop works on your car, you should receive excellent service.
That’s why the specialists at Christian Brothers Automotive Grand Rapids found the 5 basic automotive terms every driver should know.
1. Dipstick
Our ASE-certified technicians visually inspect your engine’s dipstick to determine the level and quality of the motor oil. This inspection determines whether you need an oil change.
2. Spark Plug
A working spark plug ignites the fuel-air mixture, powering the engine. When your spark plugs burn out, they no longer ignite properly. This can cause the ignition coils to overheat and may lead to premature ignition failure.
3. [Battery] Corrosion
When acid leaks from inside the battery case, corrosion forms on the battery terminal. This creates resistance within the battery and keeps the current from reaching the starter and powering the engine. If left unchecked, you could be stuck with a dead engine.
4. Brake Pad
Over time, your brake pads wear down. When our ASE-certified specialists inspect your brake system, they ensure the brake pads are the proper thickness to create friction and safely stop your car.
5. Timing Belt
The timing belt is made of reinforced rubber and the underside is covered in ridges (or “teeth”). This belt turns the camshaft in “time” (or synchronization) with other moving engine parts. The camshaft then opens and closes engine valves to let in the fuel-air mix and let out exhaust fumes.