5 Simple Car Terms Every Driver in Yukon Needs To Understand

5 Simple Car Terms Every Driver in Yukon Needs To Understand

| By: Christian Brothers Automotive

When your vehicle is taken to an Oklahoma auto repair shop, simply being informed of the technicians’ jargon will help when they make repair and maintenance suggestions.

Understanding their recommendations can also help you avoid paying for unnecessary services. We want you protected, no matter where your car is serviced.

To prove it, the experienced staff at Christian Brothers Automotive Yukon has found 5 essential automotive terms every driver should know.

1. Dipstick

The ASE-certified technician will pull out your dipstick to visually inspect the level and quality of the liquid (usually engine oil), as well as determine whether you need an oil change or fluid replacement.

2. Spark Plug

When your key turns in the ignition, the spark plugs ignite the fuel-air mixture to power the engine. However, a burned out spark plug will not properly ignite. This causes overheating of the ignition coils and could lead to premature failure.

3. [Battery] Corrosion

Battery terminal corrosion is caused by acid leaking from inside the battery case. This can cause too much resistance within the battery, keeping the electrical current from reaching the starter and powering the engine. Your engine could refuse to turn on, even when the headlights and other electrical accessories seem to work fine.

4. Brake Pad

Gradually, your brake pads wear out. When our ASE-certified professionals inspect your brake system, they’ll check the brake pads’ thickness to ensure there is enough friction material remaining to safely stop your car.

5. Timing Belt

The underside of the timing belt is covered with ridges or teeth and turns the camshaft in “time” (or synchronization) with the other moving parts of the engine. The camshaft opens and closes the engine valves to let fuel-air in and exhaust out. It is a fundamental part of nearly all internal combustion engines.

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