Has Your Check Engine Light Come On? Our Auto Repair Frisco Offers Helpful Tips

Has Your Check Engine Light Come On? Our Auto Repair Frisco Offers Helpful Tips

| By: Christian Brothers Automotive

To begin solving the check engine light “mystery,” simply check your gas cap. Something as small as a loose cap can turn the light on. It may seem strange that this would affect the light, but it is because an error message is sent to the vehicle’s computer system, telling it that there may be a vapor recovery system leak. Drive around for a day or so and see if the light turns off after you tighten the cap.

If this doesn’t seem to do the trick, it is wise to bring it into our auto repair Frisco shop as soon as you can for diagnostic testing. We check all possible issues that would affect the check engine light. At our shop, we don’t simply rely on our computer to tell us the problem. Our experts thoroughly inspect every possible issue. We realize that car repair can be expensive, and we want to ensure that the diagnosis on your car is accurate 100% all the time and that you get help quickly.

What are other specific issues that may affect your vehicle’s check engine light? Old spark plugs can sometimes be the culprit. Blown gasket heads can be another. Other issues may include a wet engine, faulty oxygen sensors, old fuel injector O-rings, or loose hoses.

Whatever the issue may be, the expert technicians at our auto repair Frisco will get the problem fixed. If you are experiencing check engine light problems, give us a call at (214) 736-5687 or visit us at autorepairfrisco-tx.com.

auto mechanics Frisco TX
Christian Brothers Automotive – Frisco
9299 Lebanon Rd.
Frisco, Texas 75035




Photo Credit: ©Depositphotos.com/ S O M A T U S C A N I

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