Meet the team
Carl Robison

Title: Service Advisor
“Carl is the most approachable guy you’ll meet. He’s always wearing a smile and before you know it, you’ll be wearing one too. Carl is honest, dependable and the hardest worker we know. He lives and dies by customer service and will go to the ends of the earth to help anyone.”
Favorite Food: Soup.
Outside the Shop: Carpentry, restoring classic cars, camping, roadtrips with good friends.
Pet Peeves: I-35 traffic in Denton, dirty dishes on the counter directly above the dishwasher.
Daniel Muse (Roll Mouse Over Picture)

Title: General Manager
“If you’re reading this you’re probably wondering how I hired Ross from ‘Friends’. While he may not be Ross, he’s just as funny. Daniel has a magnetic personality that becomes evident in everything he does. He wears his heart on his sleeve and his compassionate demeanor makes him a great friend to many people. He is a light-hearted guy who is passionate about leading people and making sure our business is performing in tip-top shape. He has been very successful at maintaining the family mentality that we have within our staff. He knows this mentality is the key component driving the excellence behind our service. “
Favorite Food: Pizza, Snickers, Coke. Seriously.
Outside the Shop: Singing, motorcycles, spending time with daughter Peyton.
Pet Peeves: Non-handicap vehicles parking in a handicap spot.
Justin Wiley

Title: Lead Technician / Shop Foreman
“Justin is one of the most naturally talented guys we know. He’s good at everything. He’s technically brilliant, an amazing cook, plays guitar, sings, and great with people. Justin is also a natural leader and always leads by example. He’s an extremely hard worker and doesn’t have a lazy bone in his body. Everyone here looks up to Justin and enjoys being around him. He can fix anything, too. He’s a loving Dad and husband and his family adores him.”
Favorite Food: Crab, anything off the grill
Outside the Shop: You name it! Riding 4-wheelers on the weekends, camping, hanging with the family.
Pet Peeves: Grackels. Those are the black birds that are terribly noisy and they’ve set up shop in his back yard. Needless to say he’s a bb gun sharp-shooter.
Jake Johnson

Title: Technician
“Jake is HILAROUS. You cannot be around Jake and not chuckle. He’s always cracking jokes and making us laugh, most of the time at himself. Jake reminds everyone here not to take life too seriously. He’s the Jimmy Buffet of the shop. Aside from the goofy jokes, all of his friends say Jake is the most loyal friend they have. He’s honest, dependable and always concerned about doing the right thing by people. We cannot imagine this place without Jake.”
Favorite Food: Anything off the grill, prime rib, seafood… you know, the cheap stuff.
Outside the Shop: Golf, fishing, drawing, hanging with his son (who looks just like him)
Pet Peeves: People not returning things borrowed, The Washington Redskins, leaving the cap off the toothpaste. Grrrrrr!
Location Info: 5050 S. Interstate 35 E, Corinth, TX 76210